Field Chari Hey! I'm a software developer by day, serial entrepreneurial tendencies on the weekends, and a writer at night! Been on my financial freedom journey all my life, and sharing all I know on this blog! Check out my content and enjoy 😊


199 Stories by Field Chari

How To Sell Used DVDs For Cash, Fast

Now that we are in the era of Netflix, Hulu, and on-demand streaming services, DVDs are probably just laying around the house collecting dust....
0 4 min read

Here’s How To Get Out Of A Timeshare, Legally

For some people, vacation timeshares probably sound like a no-brainer. They travel very frequently and basically need a home away from home. Well, that’s...
0 3 min read

What Is A Money Order And How Does It Work?

A money order is a guaranteed paper alternative to cash and personal checks that allows the sender to send money and the recipients to...
0 3 min read

5 Easy Ways To Automate Your Finances

The hardest part about keeping track of your finances is keeping track of your finances! We are human, and humans tend to either forget...
0 2 min read

Top 5 Personal Finance SubReddits To Check Out

Chances are if you are reading this, you probably already know all about Reddit. Dubbed as the front page of the internet, it is...
0 4 min read

5 Legit Ways To Get Your Student Loans Forgiven

There is a huge misconception that student loan forgiveness does not exist. Simply not true actually! Although the balance may seem intimidating, there is...
0 2 min read

How To Get Rich Quick: Step By Step Guide

Most, if not all people reading this desire to be rich one way or another. There is just something about reaching Financial Independence and...
0 4 min read


There are so many blogs out there that have had such a positive impact on my journey, they deserve to be mentioned and recommended...
0 46 sec read

New to the Blog? Start here

Welcome! Super glad you made it here! The fact that you’re reading this means two things: You want to better yourself financially You’re making...
1 min read