Debt is the number one reason many people fail to become wealthy. There are different kinds of debt and all have different effects on your life. Here is how to Pay Off your Debt and secure your financial future.

How to Pay Off Debt

401k loan

What You Should Know Before You Borrow from your 401k

Taking a loan from your 401k can be a super low-cost way of getting funds when you urgently need them! Unlike...
Field Chari
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How To Budget Your Money – Complete Beginners Guide

Time and time again, no matter how many articles you read about Personal Finance and taking care of your financial future,...
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Why Am I Always Broke? Let’s Fix It

Do you ever get to the end of the month and realize “oh sh*t, I don’t have any money left again?...
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What Is Considered A Good Credit Score?

The question What is considered a good score is not as simple as giving out a number. This is because there’re...
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How To Settle Your Taxes With The IRS – Step By Step Guide

Let me start off by making one thing crystal clear. If you want to settle your taxes with the IRS, it...
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Top 5 Best Personal Finance Apps in 2022

Keeping track of our finances and saving can become quite challenging! To top off our busy lives and schedules, somehow we’re...
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2022 Tax Refund Schedule – When Should I Expect Mine?

Tax season is upon us, and it’s usually not a great time for most people. Not only is it super confusing...
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Why Paying Off Your Mortgage Early is Disastrous

If you’re as afraid of debt as I am, then the idea of having a mortgage looming over your head for...
Field Chari
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Can the IRS Take Money Out Of My Bank Account?

If you find yourself in a situation where you owe the IRS unpaid taxes, then might be wondering can the IRS...
Field Chari
2 min read