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Welcome! Super glad you made it here! The fact that you’re reading this means two things:

  1. You want to better yourself financially
  2. You’re making the effort by taking the time to read

And for that, I want to start off by commending you. So few people take the first step, and you’re already way ahead! 🙂

Go ahead and grab the Free Quick Start Guide To Eliminating Debt eBook! Take it as a small welcoming gift 🙂

I’ve dedicated a pretty significant portion of my life to write these articles to help you reach your financial goals and dreams. There are things out there that I wish somebody had taught me in the past, so this is my way of paying it forward.

This blog has been written with the sole intent of passing down knowledge, and making sure that you find financial success!

Step 1: The basics

If you’re new here, I would suggest you start off with some of my favorite posts I’ve listed below. They will give you great pointers and an excellent start to your journey towards financial freedom:

  1. How To Overcome Your Fear Of Personal Finance
  2. 10 Most Common Money Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
  3. Here’s How To Not Be Afraid To Invest: Complete Guide
  4. How To Budget Your Money – Complete Beginners Guide

These cover all the basics you’ll need to get started! I believe the very first step to take when working towards financial freedom is to understand the barriers and understand the basics.

Step 2: It’s never too late

Understand this simple truth. It’s never too late to get started. At no point in your life is it ever too late to work on your finances and securing your financial future. Giving up before even trying is financial suicide. I’m here to tell you that anybody can do it!

  1. Live Like You’re Poor So You Can Actually Become Rich
  2. Top 10 Habits Of Millionaires You Can Start In 2020
  3. 10 Super Easy Tips To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck
  4. Creative Ways To Spend Less Money On Food

Take a minute to read through the articles and see how well they apply to you. That’s the beauty of personal finance. If you can read this, then it applies to you too.

Step 3: Control your money

Money is nothing but a tool. It’s very useful, but it can also be very dangerous. For example, think about a hammer. Do you know how many wonderful things have been created with the hammer? Countless!. But, you know how much damage it can also cause? Same with money.

Always remember that money does not control you. You control it! Debt is how money can control you. So avoid debt and manage it responsibly. Here are some wonderful posts on that topic:

  1. Live Like You’re Poor So You Can Actually Become Rich
  2. Top 10 Habits Of Millionaires You Can Start In 2020
  3. 10 Super Easy Tips To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck
  4. Creative Ways To Spend Less Money On Food

Let’s be friends!

Got any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat? I am all ears, and I’ll definitely respond to your email 🙂 Shoot me a message at “hello (at) digestyourfinances (dotcom)”. You can always just use the contact page too!

We can also connect on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest!

See you there! 🙂