Here are the Most Popular articles here on Digest Your Finances. These will be the most read and most commented on articles from readers around the world.

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global rich list

How Do You Stack Up On the Global Rich List? Well…

With the ever-increasing growth off social media and pop culture, you would be forgiven for thinking that you might be poor....
Field Chari
2 min read
medical bills on credit report

Top 5 Ways To Deal With Medical Bills on Your Credit Report

If you’re one of the millions of Americans out there that incurred costly medical bills and didn’t pay, you might have...
Field Chari
3 min read
dave ramsey baby steps

Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps: How To Win With Money

At this point, I really don’t think Dave Ramsey requires any introduction. He has basically become the face of personal finance...
Field Chari
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Millennials Aren’t Buying Homes. Top 5 Reasons Why They’re Not

Ah yes, the “American Dream” of homeownership. It’s been said over and over again how buying a home is the pinnacle...
Field Chari
2 min read
a penny doubled for 30 days

A Penny Doubled For 30 Days, How Much Will You Have?

This is one of those thought-provoking questions floating around the internet. I first caught wind of this question when I was...
Field Chari
2 min read
age range of millennials

What Age Range Are Millennials And What Does It Mean?

The general consensus agrees that the age range of Millennials are individuals that were born between the early 1980s and early...
Field Chari
3 min read
pink tax

The Pink Tax: Why Women Pay More For Stuff

Here is the honest truth about retail. Female consumers are usually targeted by campaigns due to the Antiquated idea that women...
Field Chari
3 min read

5 Easy Ways To Automate Your Finances

The hardest part about keeping track of your finances is keeping track of your finances! We are human, and humans tend...
Field Chari
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Top 5 Personal Finance SubReddits To Check Out

Chances are if you are reading this, you probably already know all about Reddit. Dubbed as the front page of the...
Field Chari
4 min read